Monday, November 19, 2012

A good start to the week

Today was a good start to the week. I was a little worried after some of my bad workouts last week, but today was good. The workout was a 20 minute alternating EMOM of 5 clean and jerks and 7 body rows. I started out with 75# for the clean and jerks. They weren't easy, but apparently I made them look too easy (I'm not sure how because I was struggling on the jerks). About half way through Travis and James came over to where I was lifting and added weight! I looked at both of them like they were crazy, but they were sure I could do it! So I did the second half of the WOD with 85#! It was tough but not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. I have to say it was a much better start to the week! I went to the doctor today for my physical and he was amazed at how much weight I had lost! He is very supportive! All of the doctors that I have had in the past would have just told me that I needed to lose more weight, but he told me that he was proud of me and to keep doing what I was doing. He even told me not to get discouraged if I hit a plateau in my weight loss or even gain a few because I would be gaining muscle. I am so glad I found this doctor because most of my doctors have just frustrated me but he is so encouraging!

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