Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Two workouts today

I started the morning off at 5:30 with a workout. I warmed up with a 400m row, stretches, and then two rounds of 200m row, 5 body rows, and 10 push ups. The strength part of our workout was five rounds 1 hang clean (full squat) and one push press with a 90 second rest in between sets. I got up to 65# on this. Not the best that I've done but pretty good for how tired I felt.   The workout part of today wasn't too bad. It was 20 minutes alternating every minute on the minute with 5 unbroken power cleans (I did 55# for the workout part) and 15 hollow rocks.  It was tough but I felt better about my performance this morning than yesterday's. I was pretty satisfied with how I did. 
I left this morning and had no intention of doing another workout today. I went to work and I just couldn't handle the clients yelling at me anymore. I'm not sure why it bothered me so much today because this is a daily thing at our office, but I guess I was just at a breaking point today. I left the office at 11:30 and all I could think about was how I was going to get this frustration out!  I knew there was a class that started at 11:45 at the box and I figured I could get there after they started but still get some work in. I just felt like sweating out this frustration instead eating or sleeping it away like normal. I knew that if I went home and stayed there for the day I would probably eat something that wasn't on my diet and I didn't even want the extra temptation. I went to Crossfit and Travis wrote me up a small workout. I warmed up with another 400m row and then I started the WOD. I did five rounds of 15 knees to elbows, 15 GHD sit ups, and 400m row. I did take my time more than I would have if I was doing it in a class but I got a lot out of it. I felt a lot better about myself after working out some more than if I had just gone home. I never thought I would say that because I have always been a couch potato!  I left the box feeling a whole lot better than when I walked in, so I guess my mission was accomplished for the day :) (I did go home after this workout and slept for quite a while, but I didn't feel bad about it like I normally would have.)

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