Friday, October 26, 2012

Good results from first 10 days of Advocare and 2 good workouts

So yesterday I got measured to see how much I had lost during the first 10 days of the Advocare Cleanse. I was a little nervous because, even though I do feel better, I wasn't sure I really lost that many inches. I was so happy when I saw the results!  I lost 2.5 inches just in my waist!  I lost everywhere but my thighs (which I gained) but I felt really good about it!  It kind of gave me a boost for the 14 days I have left.
I went into the workout last night not really knowing how I would do. I had read the WOD online and was a little bit nervous. The WOD was 50-40-30-20-10 of overhead squats and doubleunders for time.  My knees have been giving me some trouble this week so I wasn't sure how any of this was going to go. I did the 15# bar for the squats and just jumped instead of the doubleunders. My knees hurt a little at the beginning, but as I got into the workout I didn't really notice them. I got done in 9:29. I got done so fast that James thought I had skipped the 30 round. I swear I didn't though!  I did an extra 30 just to make him happy though ;) I'm pretty sure the only reason I got done so much faster than the others was because I was only lifting 15# (which was lighter than everyone elses) and I wasn't jumping rope (where you might mess up and take more time up). I felt really good about the workout. I guess I was so focused on the workout that I didn't notice my knees were really hurting until I was done!
We don't usually have workout on Fridays, but Travis opened the gym up for two hours tonight. I am excited about being able to go on Fridays because I have to work every Saturday. Travis wrote me a WOD tonight. I did a version of Grace meets Helen (which is what they are doing tomorrow). It was 3 rounds of 400m row, 21 kettle bell swings (26#), and 12 body rows. Then 30 clean and jerks with 45#. I forgot to keep my time but I know I did the whole thing in less than 27 minutes. The kettle bell swings and clean and jerks were the hardest part because my arms were so tired!  I wasn't even sure I was going to get the weight up on the last couple of clean and jerks! It was kind of wierd doing the WOD by myself.  Because, even though I felt like I was going at a decent speed I would have probably pushed harder if I was doing it with other people. I am just glad I got a chance to get another workout in during the week! (I NEVER thought I would EVER say that!)

1 comment:

  1. Emily, just checking in on your blog. 2-1/2"!! You must be doing backflips over those kind of results! Keep up the great work, and the awesome effort you put in, day after day. We're very proud of you. Love you! Jim & Dana

    (don't know what the Jim &amp is all about, signed in as Jim & Dana!)
