This was my first day back after vacation and it was hard (but not as hard as I thought it would be). We started off with a 500m row, 1 round of 5 body rows, 10 push ups, and 15 squats, 1 round of 5 body rows, 10 wide armed push ups, and 15 jumping squats, and finally 1 round of 5 body rows, 10 push ups, and 15 jumping squats with a 5 second hold on each one. Then we did the strength part of the workout (5 hanging snatches and overhead squats with a 90 second rest in between lifts). After struggling through several lifts I finally lifted 70 pounds. Not too bad. Finally we did the regular part of the workout, and I was already tired! It was rounds of box step ups, kettle bells swings, and body rows. We did 21,15, and 9 of each! I did the 35 # kettle bell and finished in 7:27! Not too shabby! It was tough but I can tell I'm getting stronger because it wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be.
I am glad that I did that workout on Saturday with Molly ( my sister in law). We just did a little run, a few reps of step ups and squats, and a 7 min AMRAP of pushups and walking lunges. It wasn't too tough but it did get me some activity while I was away.
Oh and today was my first day of a 24 day Advocare cleanse and strict paleo diet. I'm hoping to see some differences from this diet and cleanse in combination with my workouts. It wasn't too bad for the first day so I'm hoping it will be good and I will stay strong through it. I even turned down a piece of cake at a birthday party we had at work today (and I had to buy the cake)!
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