Thursday was a hard day as usual. I knew it was going to be tough when I read the WOD. I wasn't too optimistic about it but I wanted to try the best I could. It was a 20 min AMRAP of 250m row, 15 lateral box jump burpees, and a 200m run. Well first of all, when I first read it I thought it was a row at the beginning and the end! I wasn't feeling too bad about it until I got to the box and realized it was a run at the end! LOL I got through the first row ok but when I got to the box jump (I just did step ups) burpees my knees and my back started killing me. Every time I would go to do a burpee my right knee would hurt. When I was doing the pushup my back was tightening up over my right shoulder blade (I have had several knots in this area for about a week). I didn't go very fast but I got through the step ups and burpees. The run wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. No, I wasn't going very fast on the run but I didn't walk! I only got through two full rounds and the row and burpees of the third. It was better than I thought I was going to do though! After the workout everyone did sit ups with med balls and twists. I tried but the pain in my back was too bad. It wasn't a terrible night and I know the workout was hard so I am not discouraged. I just know that I would have never finished one round of this workout even two months ago and yesterday I finished almost three! In two more months I might be able to finish 4 or 5! It is progress!
Today I went to the chiropractor and got a 30 min massage just on my shoulders and knees. I felt so much better when I left there!
Tonight I went to workout and had Travis write me a workout. He knows how much I struggle in the mobility part of the workouts so part of tonight's WOD was stretching. I stretched out my quads for three min on each leg. If that doesn't sound like a long time to you then you are a lot more flexible than I am! Then I used a lacrosse ball and massaged out the knots on my knees for three minutes on each leg. That hurt! The only good part was that part of the workout was followed by putting Biofreeze on my knees! After that I did five rounds of 400m row, 21 kettle bell swings (26#), and 15 pushups. It was hard but I got through the whole thing in less than 25 minutes! I rested for a little bit after the WOD and then did bench presses with Kesha. I used to love doing bench presses in high school because I was good at it. I haven't done them in a long time so I wasn't sure where I should even start. We worked our way up in weight and I ended up finishing at 125#. It wasn't my max but it was time to go. I will work on weights again when I go on Sunday, but I thought I did pretty good for tonight.
I only have five weeks before I leave for Texas. I will be having surgery on both of my hands and won't be able to workout my upper body for a while. So, I want to make the most of the time I have left in this year to get in the best shape I can! I will go everyday that I can to make sure that happens! I am hoping that I will be able to recover from the surgery faster than expected too (recovery time is usually 4-6 weeks) because I don't want to lose the momentum I have right now!
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